Thursday, April 4, 2024
BALTIMORE – The Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command continues dive and salvage operations on the Motor Vessel Dali at the site of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Thursday.
The information collected is used during salvage operations and is conducted by divers contracted under the Navy’s supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV).
The Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command continues dive and salvage operations at the location of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, April 4, 2024. Divers’ operating under the supervision of the Navy's Salvage and Diving supervisor (SUPSALV) are meticulously gathering crucial data during these operations to facilitate the salvage process on the Motor Vessel Dali. (Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command courtesy photo by DonJon Smit)
The divers’ primary objectives are to assess any damage sustained by the vessel and pinpoint the exact locations where it is grounded. By identifying any potential damages and determining the precise grounding site, the Unified Command can prioritize the necessary actions to mitigate risks and ensure the safe recovery of the vessel.
“Our team is grateful for the opportunity to support and provide our expertise during the dive operations,” said Capt. Sal Suerez, Supervisor of Salvage and Diving, “Every person’s participation in this evolution is instrumental in guiding our salvage efforts effectively.”
Dive teams from the Maryland State Police are standing by to assist with the recovery operation as soon as it is safe to do so.
The Unified Command emphasizes that safety remains their top priority throughout the operation. All measures are being taken to ensure the safety of the divers and personnel involved in the assessment process.
The current 2,000-yard safety zone around the Francis Scott Key Bridge remains in effect and is intended to protect personnel, vessels, and the marine environment. Members of the public may not enter the safety zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port (COTP) or designated representative. Those in the safety zone must comply with all lawful orders or directions given to them by the COTP or designated representative.
The COTP issued a Broadcast Notice to Mariners (BNM) via VHF-FM marine channel 16. Mariners are requested to monitor channel 16 for the latest information.
A Debris Reporting Hotline has been established. If the public encounters any debris from the incident, please contact +1 (410) 205-6625
The Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command includes the:
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Maryland Department of the Environment
Maryland Transportation Authority
Maryland State Police
Witt O’Brien’s representing Synergy Marine
A website with incident response information can be found at the following URL:
For updated information on the status of the maritime transportation system visit the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Maryland - National Capital Region Homeport page:
The media is requested to call the Joint Information Center at +1 (410) 631-8939 for interview response inquiries and interviews.
Resources are available for businesses and individuals impacted by the Port closure: Benefit Line for Port of Baltimore Workers: +1 (667) 930-5989
Disaster Loan Assistance:
The Unified Command’s operational priorities are ensuring the safety of the public and first responders, accountability of missing persons, safely restoring transportation infrastructure and commerce, protecting the environment, and supporting the investigation.